~~~ On 2009/02/06 18:51, L.W. Brown at lwb@mac.com wrote ~~~
> No, but Cassidy & Greene was a source of excellent Mac software...
I'm seriously tempted, just on the strength of my previous experience of
C&G's software. Their OS9 software for MP3s, SoundJam, was supreme. Even
after all this time, iTunes' main advantage over SoundJam is that iTunes has
kept up with [some of] the modern developments in music encoding and has had
video added to it. But iTunes still hasn't come close to SoundJam for
flexibility and user-accommodation, even though Apple scooped up most of the
developers of SoundJam from C&G.
One of the reasons I still have OS9 on some of my computers is so I can use
Soundjam from time to time -- just for the pleasure of it.
So I'd expect this program to be first-rate although I don't actually know
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
³Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.²
-- what Arthur C. Clarke meant
(With thanks to Chod Lang)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Received on Fri Feb 6 15:25:41 2009
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