They don't list it anymore on the mactracker site but if you type the link directly you can still dL the older vesion that runs on OS9. Its not up to date but I don't need to know about the most current Macs myself. If anyone is interested I can check my b&w g3 for the version number & link and post it here?
Mactracker is a very handy app for reference if you are upgrading/working with/buying an older Mac.
------Original Message------
From: Borja Robles Maldonado
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Letter from Steve Jobs
Sent: Jan 8, 2009 15:20
There¹s an app (a database) that has all the apple¹s history models and it¹s
very cool for this purposes. Available for Win and Mac
And of course it includes all Newton models...
-- Borja Robles
Málaga (Spain)
MessagePad 2000
iMac 24", Leopard 10.5.6
On 08/01/09 20:47, "Jon Glass" <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Norman Palardy
> <> wrote:
>> > Actually it may have been the 1400 ... I forget ... the point was
>> > Apple US would have models that you could never buy in Canada because
>> > Apple Canada would not carry them
>> >
> Ha! You beat me to it! I was going t "call you" on that one. :-D The
> 2400 was a Japan-only model.... very much in demand due to its smaller
> size (and keyboard). The US had the 1400 and 3400. I've still got a
> 1400 floating around the house somewhere, but it's in really bad
> shape... won't boot, and I believe I fried the ATA bus on it, or the
> power. It's a bummer, but not that much. The 1400 was probably the
> lamest laptop Apple ever made. A "road apple" from the get-go. (to
> understand the term "road apple" think "road kill.") ;-0
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Received on Thu Jan 8 20:24:52 2009
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