On 10/01/2009, at 10:58 PM, James Fraser wrote:
> --- On Sat, 1/10/09, Reilly001os@aol.com <Reilly001os@aol.com> wrote:
>> Look how apples now repositioning the iphone and iPod touch
>> as game devices.
> Is this repositioning part of a cohesive overall strategy? Or is it
> more along the lines of "We need to find a market niche for these
> devices to occupy....and quick!"
> I guess I have a hard time thinking of those two products as "gaming
> devices" at the price points they occupy (and with the added expense
> of the data service plans needed to actually make them useful). I'm
> not saying it's not possible for them to be perceived that way, I'm
> just wondering if gamers are a large enough (and wealthy enough)
> demographic to keep such a niche alive and growing.
i travel on the New York City subway fairly regularly. i suppose its
users don't represent a full spectrum of the US population, but it's
got to be a reasonable sample.
in my observation, the use of mobile phones (of many types) as
handheld gaming devices is a massive market. many people spend an
hour or more each work day commuting, and i see *lots* using the
phones to occur that time. in fact, probably about the same number as
read a newspaper. i guess not all of them are playing games, but a
lot of them are.
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