Joseph Reilly wrote:
> Apple locking the iphone to AT&T is exactly why I have an iPod touch
> coming in
> the mail. I wouldn't mind contracting for an iphone as long as it's
> not AT&T, I had problems
> with them in the past and won't use they're service again. I used to
> carry a classic ipod so adjusting to the
> ipod touch won't be an issue especially if I can transfer some of my
> newton tasks to it, I love my newt but it is a brick
> and I'm not as attached to the HWR as some folks so I think I can
> work the ipod touch into an iNewt with the
> right software and setup.
I'm tired of hearing about how Apple supposedly made a mistake going
with AT&T.
1. Apple TRIED to make a deal with Verizon, but Verizon turned them down
FLAT! Cingular (now AT&T) jumped at the chance to make a deal with
Apple; they just demanded 5 year exclusivity.
2. AT&T uses GSM just as the rest of the world; you can't use a CDMA
Verizon phone outside of these United States (as my brother-in-law
learned the hard way)
3. The fastest way for Verizon to get GSM capability is to merge with
T-Mobile, then when the 5-year exclusive contract between Apple and AT&T
ends in 2012/2013, they'll be able to use iPhones.
4. I've had no problems with Cellular One/ATTWS/Cingular/AT&T be it on
the analog/TDMA/GSM networks.
-- Sincerely, Dennis B. Swaney "Windows is a command-line OS with a GUI shell while Mac System 10 is ... oh, never mind." ==================================================================== The NewtonTalk Mailing List - The Official Newton FAQ - The Newton Glossary - WikiWikiNewt - ====================================================================Received on Sun Jan 11 13:40:19 2009
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