Hi Joe:
Yes, I have a MP 2100 and an iPhone (1st gen have had it a long time). For me, the iPhone is great, just wish it was as thin as the Touch. But it is not a Newton Replacement for me. I like text inputting to the Newton, and using it as a personal secretary and EBook reader. The Newton MP 2100/2000 really functions well in a business environment, in somewhat mobile conditions. But it is not mobile like the iPhone/Touch, and that is where these latter best it: they are the internet in your pocket. But sitting at a desk or meeting, the Newton is better. The iPhone/Touch have too many compromises in this regard, like small screens and lack of any efficient input method.
--- On Sat, 1/17/09, Reilly001os@aol.com <Reilly001os@aol.com> wrote:
> From: Reilly001os@aol.com <Reilly001os@aol.com>
> Subject: [NTLK] Is iPod Touch the Newtons future?
> To: newtontalk@newtontalk.net
> Received: Saturday, January 17, 2009, 2:32 AM
> This is a continuation of the iPod touch talk from the
> "[NTLK] [ADMIN] This is only a test" thread.
> I just got a 1st Gen refurb iPod Touch from apple (looked
> brand new!) and I've been very amazed with it. I'm
> not a newton power user in terms of the calendar/contacts
> and the info linking the newt can do so I could see me using
> the touch as its replacement for those functions. I also can
> do without the HWR since I usually end up using the onscreen
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Received on Sat Jan 17 16:38:39 2009
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