On May 1, 2009, at 5:00 AM, Tony Kan wrote:
> Sounds like you have a (semi)automated way of converting pdfs to a
> readable
> format. What is it? Thanks in advance
> Tony
I'm sorry, I might not have been clear enough. I was talking about
reading PDFs on a device with a screen of similar /size/ to the
Newton, and greyscale, my CyBook V3 (www.bookeen.com) which is a 4
shades of grey device, screen a little bigger than the Newt's. It has
PDF handling built in.
However, I did some poking around, and if you want to convert PDFs to
something the Newton can handle, perhaps try one of these:
Mac: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/10528959
Windows: http://www.zan1011.com/
They're printer drivers that save the printed page as image files
(jpeg, bmp, png, gif, etc.)
I recall someone saying they were working on a MobiPocket format
reader for the Newton. Did anything ever come of that, I wonder?
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Received on Fri May 1 06:58:48 2009
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