> And Newton users AREN'T different? ;)
When did I say that? Oh, I love arguing on NewtonTalk, because at least I'm arguing with intelligent people.
> Obviously, you've never used an iPhone, Apple TV, not to mention a Mac
> OS computer, either desktop (PowerMac, Mac Pro, iMac) or laptop
> (PowerBook, MacBook Pro)
I have tested an iPhone 3G in an Apple store last year, I have used an iPod touch several times, I didn't use an Apple TV (though I know how hot they can get - I put my palm on it in an Apple store), I have 2 classic Macs (a Plus and a IIx, the latter of which is in regular use for recording audio), and have access to two modern MacBooks. I also have a QuickTake 200, a MP120 and an eMate (obviously) with a bunch of Newton accessories (all of which were in my backpack in Vancouver), so I think I'm eligible to say I have had a lot of experience (both good and bad) with Apple products.
-Matej Horvat
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