Re: [NTLK] [OT?] Pismo-love [WAS: "Re: No iNewton announced today"]

From: Lord Groundhog <>
Date: Mon Sep 14 2009 - 17:37:56 EDT

~~~ On 2009/09/14 21:01, Andy Hill at wrote ~~~

> a) I found connecting to the Newt to be more difficult than with my
> previous window 2000 machine. (ironic because I bought the Pismo to
> enhance my Newtoning!)

Sorry to hear that Andy. Can you tell me what the problem was? Just

> b) I didn't like having to go back and forth between OSX and OS9 excellent reason for staying in OS9. ;-) Seriously, I got round this
by partitioning my drive for the two Oses, and then choosing which one I
want to be in. It does make it a little easier to live with (IMO) than
having to use Classic in X.

> c) I preferred OS9 and would have been happy to stay with it but
> couldn't find a reliable web browser.

In defiance of commonly accepted wisdom, I liked Netscape. And I found that
once I got up to Netscape 7.1, it was very stable (I may be the only person
who ever thought so). And once Opera came out, I went with that and was

Anyway, sorry you had to give up your Pismo. In all my years of using
computers, it's one of the few high points of my computing experience, right
alongside the Newton. And I seriously expect that it will remain so for
some time to come.



~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Pismo: so beautiful, you know you want one!

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Received on Mon Sep 14 17:38:08 2009

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