Re: [NTLK] Data Sync, how to get the most in and out of my Newt.

From: Tony Kan <>
Date: Thu Sep 24 2009 - 18:09:46 EDT


You'll get much better results on your PC if you run some virtual machine
software (such as VMware or MS Virtual PC) and install Win95-98 on it. Then
install NCU to do your backups. Matt Howe often recommends this solution. Its
not hard provided you can dig up your old copies of Windows. Once done you
don't have to set up your Virtual PC again. I don't use this method very often
because I dislike using the Interconnect port.

For me, synching is just another form of back up. If I discipline myself, I can
restrict all my scheduling and task list work to the Newton so I don't need to
manipulate that kind of data on the PC. Just keep your Newton handy at your
desk. That leaves Names data which is useful for running your e-Mail program.
Names data can be synched to Outlook using LookOut. After doing it once, I
don't bother and just update the odd entry as needed by Bluetoothing new stuff
via IRObex.

But backing up to a spare memory card is way more convenient especially now that
SMB Utilities has been released to the community as freeware. That only leaves
the risk of accessing your data if you lose your Newton. I solved that by
buying a spare Newton.

Not the most elegant but works for me.



So here is my big question. What is the best method for syncing data to the
Newton? I initially thought Wireless, but being limited to WEP 40 kinda
freaks me out for my home network and just isn't an option for here at
work. So I'm thinking Bluetooth? Its sounds like a good idea, but what
level of software support for Syncing would I have? And finally, Is there a
way to sync all these cool Lists and GTD stuff I am doing on my Newt with my
work PC?

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