[NTLK] iPad in use

Ross Deihm adventuresindining at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 22:50:51 EDT 2010

A pepper pad eh? I always wanted to try one of those, but couldn't justify
the cost. I thought I would hold off and they would drop in price and be
plentiful. Never really worked out that way, never even see them on E-bay.
Must have been a real poor product. Reminds me of almost all my non-apple
PDA's, just a disappointment in one way or another. I look at the Entourage
Edge, and skimming the forums, it seems like WinCE all over again. It is
refreshing to think that Apple can still produce solid results right out of
the box.

> > I've had bad experiences with other devices in early adoption,
> particularly the Pepper pad (hoping for a newt replacement but way too >
> slow and unresponsive).

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