[NTLK] New [Old] Newton Owner

Jonathan Schalliol jon at schalliol.com
Wed Apr 7 06:36:48 EDT 2010

Greetings community!  I thought I'd send a brief introduction.

In 1995 I was the Mac department manager at the Indianapolis CompUSA where I sold Newtons and bought a 120 with 2.0 while I was in high school.  I had a Motorola flip phone connected via a "Motorola Power 14.4" PCMCIA card, and I had a StyleWriter II in my trunk powered by a DC/AC inverter connected by a long serial cable to the driver's seat.  I could get emails and faxes and print them on the way to my destination.  This was super safe to use, but cool nonetheless.  From 1997-2001 I was Apple's Campus Rep for the Indiana University Bloomington Campus and peddled eBooks and other such equipment.  While I haven't been able to find it online, we did have QuickTime on an eMate.  I visited the NewtonSource store in SF when visiting the area in 1997.  I ultimately eBayed my 120 with 2.0, and just bought a 2100 on eBay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180489709839&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT).  I look forward to getting this unit updated to complete functionality!


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