[NTLK] [ADMIN] NewtonTalk whitelisted with Earthlink

Forrest anasazi4st at me.com
Tue Apr 13 14:47:29 EDT 2010


I have a MindSpring address...but on here (NewtonTalk) I use the me.com one. I was trying to determine how this could affect me, if at all...I do have "mindspring.com" as the domain provider for the NewtonPhoenix website's email, and I'm wondering if that has somehow been affected....

"You got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there." --Yogi Berra.
(Sent from my Sprint BlackBerry® smartphone.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Hutchinson <grant at splorp.com>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 12:28:07 
To: NewtonTalk List<newtontalk at newtontalk.net>
Subject: [NTLK] [ADMIN] NewtonTalk whitelisted with Earthlink

Hello everyone.

After a fair amount of of complaining on Twitter, I was contacted by  
someone in the email group at Earthlink. After explaining the ongoing  
problems we've been experiencing with our list server getting blocked,  
he looked into the issue for me.

Here's some of the information he shared:

> Sure enough, your IP was being blocked. This usually only happens  
> when we get an excessive amount of spam complaints from that IP. We  
> unblocked it last night, but I'm trying to find out how many  
> complaints we actually got and if we can white list it so it won't  
> be blocked in the future.
> I couldn't get an exact number on the amount of complaints, but what  
> told it wasn't "significant." So, we went ahead and whitelisted the  
> IP. Let me know if you see future issues.
> Sorry about that.
> - Stephen

There you go.

The NewtonTalk list is now officially whitelisted with Earthlink. All  
list members with earthlink.com and mindspring.com addresses should  
receive messages without any problems in the future. Theoretically.

Now I feel kinda bad I was so bitchy on Twitter about this. Kinda.



Grant Hutchinson
NewtonTalk List Dad & Web Custodian


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