[NTLK] Followup: Fonts for the pda-soft site

anasazi4st newtonphoenix at mindspring.com
Fri Dec 17 17:02:56 EST 2010

-----Original Message-----
>From: Frank Gruendel <newtontalk at pda-soft.de>
>Sent: Dec 17, 2010 11:55 AM
>To: newtontalk at newtontalk.net
>Subject: [NTLK] Followup: Fonts for the pda-soft site
>Please let me know what you think. Be aware that this might be the font that you will be forced to
>look at for the rest of your life if you browse my site, so don't hesitate to speak up even if you
>are normally in lurker mode :-)


Ooops...Dennis' email reminded me...my work computer is a Windows XP machine (ugh) running IE7. I followed your suggestion and increased the size to 100%, although it also looked okay on Medium. And, for what it's worth, also great on the BlackBerry 8330 with OS v4.5 and whatever browser RIM has on there....

Again, voting for either brown or black Comic Sans, slight edge to the black.


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