[NTLK] Mad at Apple

Clu drclu at swbell.net
Fri Jan 1 03:27:58 EST 2010

> From: Andrei Chichak <newton at chichak.ca>
> I'm not trolling for flames here, nor am I not sympathetic to your  
> rant, but -

Sorry you feel that way, because in the end that is what this will  
be, a rant.  Never gotten anything off your chest?

I certainly have heard people rant on and on about Apple since 1998,  
so I can't rant today?

And amazingly to me in all the numerous times people have ranted  
since 1998, no taking Apple to account on a serious design flaw on  
the Emate?

> As for 10.4 not supporting modems ... uh, you use a modem? -

Love the way you ask that.  LOL   Yes, people still use modems.

On Dec 31, 2009, at 8:27 PM, Aaron Brigati wrote:

> Getting my internal modem to work with 10.4 was very difficult. I had
> to put the 10.4 dvd in, run the installer, and reboot!
> Apparently some specific model Macs had internal modem issues with
> 10.4.0, but as far as I can tell the problem's been patched since. I
> can't find any references to anyone having the issue since 2005; it
> was fixed in 10.4.2, which released three months after 10.4.0.

You would think so.  All I know is the modem worked with my 17" G4 in  
10.3.9 but not under 10.4.  Did check the internet for fixes before  
my rant, and being that we are up to 10.6 you would think this would  
have been resolved a long time ago.  But after reading many people  
with questions and no solutions it really came to light that Apple  
left one bit of functionality in the past.

And really doesn't make sense.  Something that Apple had working and  
supposedly made an "improved OS" only to have the previous work no  
longer work?

Luckily since my rant I found a USB modem solution to work around  
this so I've moved on from this.  But it was enough to make me mad at  
Apple, and while at it, brought to mind the half work of the Emate  

> ====================================================================
> From: Ed Kummel <tech_ed at yahoo.com>
> I agree...I stopped buying their stuff shortly after the Performa  
> fiasco...with me, it was the load of Vx's that we purchased that  
> were replaced several months later with the Centris...twice the  
> power, twice the RAM and twice the hard drive for just a little  
> over half the price of the Vx's we purchased...since then, I have  
> refused to purchase another Apple branded device (luckily, I  
> already had my Newton by then, and the Newton I purchased later on  
> had the Newton logo instead of an Apple logo)
> Ed
> web/gadget guru

Glad you got the Newton.   I know a lot of people who would not buy a  
Mac, but got the Newton.   And yes, your comment reminded of a time  
before when I got disenchanted with Apple.  I think the last time was  
when I successfully paid off my loan for the Newton (a $1100 loan,  
remember when the Newton 2000 with keyboard and case went for that  
new?)    So I obviously had good history with Apple and their loan  
department.  So tried to go for a loan with Apple for a iMac.   
Difference was I was no longer a student and now married.   They  
didn't approve me for the loan.   Of course that was right after  
Apple killed the Newton, so that loan was like the last straw.   
Stopped using Apple products for about three years after that.  Aside  
from the Newton of course.

I have a friend who bounces between Mac and Linux on a regular  
basis.   Get some of my best Mac stuff from him because of it.  :)

> From: Scott Rogers <srogers at gmail.com>
> Don't forget, also, that the eMate was only sold for a year.

I loved this comment too.  ONLY sold for a year.  From this statement  
I take two things...

1) Apple DID sell the Emate for a year
2) Since it was only sold for a year, a recall and a fix should be  
fairly simple.

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