[NTLK] iPhone is not the new Newton (& announcing a Newtsell-off shortly)

Michael J. Hußmann michael at michael-hussmann.de
Wed Jan 6 14:48:21 EST 2010

Steven Scotten (splicer at paroxysm.com) wrote:

> My recollection is that it already had been a separate company for
> months. That's why all the 2100s have the Newton Inc logo rather than
> the Apple.

That's my recollection as well. First Jobs had Newton, Inc. spun back
into Apple because all technology was so valuable to Apple, only to
disband the Newton division immediately after (but still conveying the
impression to customers and partners that the Newton was alive and
well). Virtually every official statement by Apple on the topic of
Newton, from the re-integration of Newton, Inc. into Apple up to the
Newton's official demise, a couple of months later, had been lies. Jobs
may or may not have had sound business reasons for killing the Newton,
but he certainly wasn't honest about it.

Apple could have had Newton, Inc. run its course to sink or swim. That
Jobs wanted to see the Newton dead, for more than entirely rational
reasons, is still the only explanation I see for why they didn't.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

E-mail: michael at michael-hussmann.de
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