[NTLK] Re - Sync eMate to MessagePad over Beaming

Timothy Chaten tchaten at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 11:51:46 EST 2010

I would if I knew where to start - these will be my first two Newts coming
in - brand new Newt owner and thought this would be a cool thing to do as I
use both of them on a regular basis :)

Any ideas on where to start and how to write a syncing app to sync Newt to
Simple as this may sound, it has a lot more details than you would believe.
Check out my previous replay on syncing.

Check out the assumption of the n.data format, which I alluded to in my
earlier monologue.

You might notice that any INK or vector graphics or bitmap graphics, and all
font descriptions, and indicators of lists and checklists, and unique
stationery patterns, are ignored in this NS BASIC example.

Many of the syncing problems should be able to be overcome because you are
going between two Newtons.

But, I think it might be possible, given sufficient time, patience and
effort. Why don't you try it?

I think however, that you can do most of this through the stock beaming
functionality built into the Newton.


Thanks in Advance


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