[NTLK] Knowledge Navigator and iPad

M. Horvat redjazz_slo at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 4 13:33:54 EDT 2010

> For
> example, "Get my news", maybe it reads out the top 15
> stories.

Meh. That would be way slower than reading the stories yourself. Besides, if you wanted to _listen_ to the news, you might as well listen to the radio or play yourself a podcast. Though it would be useful for RSS feeds with short stories. But this feature doesn't need speech recognition to exist.

> 2. AI is the near-future of computing.

I don't really understand what people mean by AI being the future of computing. Is it that the computer does all the work for you? I'd much rather have most control myself and only let the AI worry about low-level stuff and things like the Newton's Intelligent Assistant (but a bit more advanced).

I seriously think computing is good as it is now. (Though I'd prefer less evil corporations.) The only thing needed is an improvement in user interface efficiency - how the user interacts with the computer. The Newton model is great but not well suited to the desktop form factor. (The concept of a desktop computer isn't going away anytime soon!)

-Matej Horvat

PS: I use way too many parantheses. How would the ideal text-to-speech engine react to them?


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