[NTLK] Trusted Ink Vendor

G. Isten gisela at tariffenet.it
Mon Mar 1 14:55:46 EST 2010

Hi Steve,

>cheap StyleWriter 2200 for use with my eMate and MPs.

A great little jewel, this is. I love it. Very portable, too. I have two of them, one hooked up to a Mac running Snow Leopard (via the same Keyspan adapter used to connect the Newt) and using 'foomatic for StyleWriter': http://cw.kolleegium.ch/stylewriter/).

>Since I have used an HP laser printer of some kind for the last 10 years, I
>Hi have no idea who sells ink. 

Dunno where you are. I'm in Europe (Italy). Just last month I got a fresh load of cartridges from http://www.inkclub.com/. They came from Uppsala, Sweden (very good service, and fast delivery).

>I just need black

I.e., you want the large ink tank. It's a third party product, of course: NC-00010 BK, for Canon printers (which is what the StyleWriter is). Package specifically mentions the 2200. The relevant Canon code is BCI-10BK. The one I have here has a Best before date of January 2012.


Have a look on eBay, in any event. I remember I once located an Austrian source via eBay (info misplaced); they had good prices, though.



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