[NTLK] How important is the Battery's temperature switch

Tony Morrow gizmo1482 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 18:02:05 EDT 2010

On Nov 4, 2010, at 11:01 AM, Andrei Chichak wrote:

> Are they important? The lack of a temperature sensor will either  
> tell the Newt that the pack is always cold (and the pack will be  
> overcharged) or hot (and the pack will never be charged). The lack  
> of the polyswitch is a little less critical, you don't need it until  
> you do.
> Andrei

Don't forget that if the temperature sensor is not detected then the  
Newton assumes a nonrechargable battery tray is inserted. Therefore,  
it will not attempt to charge the batteries. I wish I could remember  
where I found that information, but the closest thing I could come up  
with was the hack Daniel Padilla documented. <http://dev.newtontalk.net/dpadilla/battery.htm 

-Tony Morrow

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