[NTLK] Mystery package: Writer's Nemesis

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Sun Apr 3 16:23:39 EDT 2011

Ahhh ok, I was thinking that was the full name of the package not
Nemesis being the company name.  And I was looking for differences it
made when active, and oddly enough they keyboard is the only item I
didn't check.

First it brings up window of most used punctuation marks.  Then if you
tap on the keyboard icon in this window it brings up a much smaller than
standard keyboard.  Nice although I don't like having to tap twice to
get to the keyboard.  Still I suppose it would have its uses.


On 4/2/2011 3:38 PM, Smith Woody wrote:
> see
> <http://mirrors.unna.org/download.planetnewton.com/download/buttons/bskeyboardtools.htm 
>  >
> Nemesis made keyboard software. "Writers keyboard" and "Mini Writers  
> Keyboard"
> Woody

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