[NTLK] [ADMIN] Off-Topic Post Etiquette

Grant Hutchinson grant at splorp.com
Mon Dec 5 12:09:54 EST 2011

A gentle reminder.

Seeing as how off-topic threads seem to be popping up more regularly of late, I am posting the following text from the NewtonTalk FAQ as a service to the entire list.

From the 'List Conduct and Policies' section:

"Off-topic posts and threads are generally tolerated if they were spawned from an on-topic thread. This is a different policy from many other mailing lists which have established separate lists for off-topic subjects, but here at NTLK we maintain a more casual atmosphere. However, threads which stray into heated topics such as politics, personal beliefs, morality, or PC vs Mac discussions and the like should not exist on the list. Please take these topics to a more appropriate forum (like Usenet). Please tag any off-topic posts with [OT] in the subject line, so that people who do not want to read them can easily filter them out."


Your cooperation in keeping NewtonTalk a happy, healthy, and useful resource is always appreciated.



Grant Hutchinson
NewtonTalk List Dad & Web Custodian


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