[NTLK] Newton Museum zip file ETA: A week.

Aaron Brigati abrigati at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 07:23:07 EST 2011

On Feb 8, 2011, at 6:39 AM, Valerio Paris Mitritsakis wrote:

> Why not just download the 7zip (free as in speech) and expand the dmg file?

Because 7zip's handling of HFS can be touchy. On my PC, the extraction fails about halfway through.

Besides, it won't take me any longer to upload this than it would to upload the dmg. I can't seed a torrent to any useful amount, but I'll be able to allow at least 75 direct downloads of this, this month. (I wonder how much demand there actually is for this stuff?)

Unless I misestimate demand for this wildly, once everyone who's been looking for this for a while grabs it, I'll probably be able to leave it up for a long time. I have the server anyway for some of my own little projects, and I never even come close to using my allotted disk space and bandwidth.

Perhaps I should also unzip it, so it can be browsed on the site? Is that something people would find useful?


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