[NTLK] G3 Death

David Schultz dschultzjr at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 12:46:10 EST 2011

On Jan 2, 2011, at 12:16 PM, Ross Deihm <adventuresindining at gmail.com> wrote:

> It finally happened, my beloved G3 Wallstreet bit the dust. I can no longer
> back up my Newton 120. I now have to switch to my older (and oddly more
> reliable) Powerbook 540c. As such I do not have a copy of the Newton
> Connection Kit for 1.x Newtons. I'd be willing to pay for a copy of the
> software on Floppy Disk, so I can load it unto my 540c (yes, running system
> 7!). If anyone has a copy they can part with, or provide a copy of said
> software, please contact me off list. Thanks!
> Ross
> =========================================

Your g3 parting saddened me. I am on several mailing lists for tech questions. One thing that often happens (and annoys me) is when alternatives  to a person's question are posted. Such as the one I am respectfully submitting. Perusing eBay I see whole Wallstreets aplenty. A logic board for $10. Might this not be a route? I even think I might have one whole and hearty. Perhaps senility is settling in for me to say this but I'd rather part with it for someone actively using it than have it sit in my museum. (please don't quote me) also wondering since you actively use your newton why you use the 120 vs. a 2100 that can run the newer (and far better IMHO) newton OS? Just friendly questions. I'm always interested in others opinions on (older) tech. 


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