[NTLK] G3 Death
Ross Deihm
adventuresindining at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 16:01:54 EST 2011
I do love my G3, it's a fantastic laptop, but this would be the 4th time
I've gone and started replacing parts to post pone it's death. I have shells
of G3's that I routine scavenge for parts. This particular failure has
me puzzled, I can plug it in, get a green power light flash, then nothing.
Won't boot. Even a hard reset won't boot it. Since I only used it for
backing up my Newt, I figured I could just move on to the 540c which I've
had for ages and it's always booted! I'll miss my G3, but with the
exceptional cost of batteries (50-70 bucks, just did my Dell Laptop for
30!), I think it's time to just move on. Maybe when I'm bored some day I'll
rip it apart and start replacing parts again.
As for the Newton 1.x and 120 usage; I love the form factor. I have no doubt
the 2000 series would blow it out of the water for different uses, I rarely
need that sort of functionality. I generally use the 120 to sort out ideas,
sketches, math, lists and scheduling for events which those projects are
for. I would argue that the Newton Software is the best ever made for
project management, and project implementation. The 120 series is also the
least expensive and therefore easily replaced. I'm on my second one now.
2100 and 2000 are much to nice to run the risk of loss.
When it comes to old technology, I like to think that we went to the moon
with a MHz 2k machine, I should be able to get by with older technology too.
On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 12:46 PM, David Schultz <dschultzjr at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 2, 2011, at 12:16 PM, Ross Deihm <adventuresindining at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > It finally happened, my beloved G3 Wallstreet bit the dust. I can no
> longer
> > back up my Newton 120. I now have to switch to my older (and oddly more
> > reliable) Powerbook 540c. As such I do not have a copy of the Newton
> > Connection Kit for 1.x Newtons. I'd be willing to pay for a copy of the
> > software on Floppy Disk, so I can load it unto my 540c (yes, running
> system
> > 7!). If anyone has a copy they can part with, or provide a copy of said
> > software, please contact me off list. Thanks!
> >
> >
> > Ross
> >
> > =========================================
> Your g3 parting saddened me. I am on several mailing lists for tech
> questions. One thing that often happens (and annoys me) is when alternatives
> to a person's question are posted. Such as the one I am respectfully
> submitting. Perusing eBay I see whole Wallstreets aplenty. A logic board for
> $10. Might this not be a route? I even think I might have one whole and
> hearty. Perhaps senility is settling in for me to say this but I'd rather
> part with it for someone actively using it than have it sit in my museum.
> (please don't quote me) also wondering since you actively use your newton
> why you use the 120 vs. a 2100 that can run the newer (and far better IMHO)
> newton OS? Just friendly questions. I'm always interested in others opinions
> on (older) tech.
> dvsjr
> --
> http://newtonserver.no-ip.com
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