[NTLK] Help needed: porting Einstein to Android

Matthias Melcher mm at matthiasm.com
Thu Mar 10 09:10:22 EST 2011

On 09.03.2011, at 23:55, Charles Mangin wrote:
> one question for you re: Einstien...
> how do i install packages on the iOS version? i tried transferring the .pkg files to my ipad through itunes, but they don't seem to go anywhere that i can find.

That's not how it works. Apple has made sure that you pay cash before the app goes on your device. You can register as a developer ($100). You will then receive a permission to install your own software on your own device. This is all done via Xcode. Alternatively, you can jailbreak your device and create a BSD package from Einstein. That you can install via server and Cydia. This is legal, but also breaks whenever your update your iOS.

For that reason alone (I can't run my own software without paying dearly), I have sold my iPhone and iPad and moved to Android (no iPad2 for me - keep 'em, Apple). This is sad, and annoying (Android has its own problems: syncing with OS X is practically non-existing without publishing all my contacts and appointments to Google). It would probably help if I sold my PowerBook as well and get into Linux (or God forbid into MSWindow), but that is out of the question... .

 - Matthias

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