[NTLK] ATA Support and Compact Flash Cards

arceeHS arceehs at gmail.com
Sat Sep 3 14:02:08 EDT 2011

Hi 'talkers

I just got a Compact Flash card to use with my MP. The usual PMCIA Linear
Flash memory cards that have been available seem to be rather - well -

In getting the card into service I came up with a few observations and

I got the ATA Support software from  Paul Guyot's website <
http://www.kallisys.com/ and the install and setup couldn't have been any
smoother. I had tried the download from UNNA  <ATASupport1.0RC6.1>. The
installer requires entry of the supplied Registration Number but then wont
accept it. Did I miss something?

Have I overlooked a users guide or Read Me, something that explains all the
things that ATA Support can do? There are lots of icons to do a lot of
things but I haven't figured much of it out.

The info on the MP for the CF card says it is 3.3V. The card spec says it is
"3.3V/5V". Is this a problem?



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