[NTLK] Einstein and Xcode 4

Matthias Melcher mm at matthiasm.com
Wed Sep 5 16:02:48 EDT 2012

On 05.09.2012, at 17:37, Charles Mangin <option8-newton at option8.com> wrote:

> Apple has recently strayed or loosened that particular requirement. Chrome and other browsers, for example, are available now. I'd give it a go and see if it can sneak in there.

It would cost me $100 just to try.

Apple (Feb 11th 2011): 

> Additionally, we are unable to post this version to the App Store because it installs other executable code, > which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines:
>	2.8    Apps that install or launch other executable code will be rejected
> We have found that the application requires the user to install a ROM file through iTunes File sharing.

But you have to love this one:

> Also, we cannot post this version to the App Store because it is too similar to Apple Newton.
>    8.3     Apps which appear confusingly similar to an existing Apple product or advertising theme will be rejected

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