[NTLK] Ethernet Dongle Dead?
Ronnie Simon
ronnie_simon at me.com
Tue Mar 26 04:47:40 EDT 2013
I have used this card in the past with my Newton 2100 and it does work. The pop out interface can be very fragile however.
On 26 Mar 2013, at 09:19, Blake Hanes <kissmyash933 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Alex, I also have a 3C589D. It has the exact same problem.
> Unfortunately, I have not found a way to fix the dongle. :( 3COM made
> a 10/100base-t PCMCIA card with X-Jack, though. I have a 3Com 56k card
> that I use in my personal mp2000 that has xJack and it has never
> failed me. I'm thinking about replacing the 3C589D with 3CXFE574BT.
> you can find that card here:
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/3Com-10-100-Ethernet-PCMCIA-Card-XJACK-3CXFE574BT-/221147607020?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item337d6cafec
> I feel that that's a very reasonable price for that card, and I would
> purchase it right now, however, I have no experience with it. Perhaps
> someone else on the board can tell us if that will work. I do know
> that the card absolutely MUST be a PCMCIA card and not CARDBUS though,
> so keep that in mind. Barring that option, I'm almost wondering if we
> can make a dongle ourselves. I don't think it would be anything more
> than figuring out the pinouts and then breaking apart the connectors
> to rewire them. (as long as the actual piece that goes into the card
> is not broken.)
> Best Regards,
> Blake.
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 1:42 AM, Dana Gray <dalexgray at mac.com> wrote:
>> Dear NewtonTalk Users,
>> Many thanks to Arcee, I'm now up and running and installing packages on my Newton via serial. Very cool! I have run into a funny problem with my Ethernet card. (3com 3C589D) I think my card's dongle might be bad. Allow me to explain.
>> I followed Frank's instructions on pda-soft.de to install the necessary packages from NIE plus the specific drivers for the card.
>> I used the internet setup assistant to make an ethernet profile, again by Frank's instructions.
>> I installed the package to connect to NCX via ethernet.
>> I tried connecting to NCX... failed after not finding a desktop
>> I tried sending mail using MailV... failed connecting to DHCP server
>> I restarted my router a few times, power reset the Newton, and also manually configured the ethernet profile... now it fails to resolve the hostname.
>> When the Newton tries to use the card the light on the dongle comes on but the lights on the ethernet switch that the Newton is plugged into stay dark. I'm positive the ethernet cable is good; I just used it with another machine. I tried testing for continuity on the dongle with my multimeter but got nothing. Also my router shows no history of the Newton connecting.
>> Has anyone had a similar problem? Is there a good way to test this?
>> Best Regards,
>> Alex
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