[NTLK] Development Environment on OSX

Jake Bordens jake at allaboutjake.com
Sat Dec 26 06:55:28 EST 2015

1.  Assuming you don't have a Mac running Classic OS, Get SheepShaver up and running OS9.  I prefer SheepShaver and OS9 to Basilisk II and OS7.  Even running at 32-bit, however, the clipboard doesn't always transfer properly between the emulator and OSX.  You'll want to setup the "Unix root" in sheep shaver so that you can copy the PKG file over to OS X and then use something like NewTen (or NewtonInspector) to install the package.

2.  Download the NewtonDev HFS image: http://www.unna.org/view.php?/development/NewtonDev and mount it in your now OS9 environment.  This contains the toolchains you'll need to develop for NewtonOS.

3.  Go over to http://newtonscript.org and learn NewtonScript

4.  Start in NTK 1.6.4 and make your first apps.  If you really need C++ code, then learn about the Newton C Tools.

5.  Copy the compiled Package to MacOS and then use a tool like NewTen or NewtonInspector to install.

For your intended purposes, you'll want to look at endpoints and the "Basic Serial" sample code.  VoIP might be a bit of a challenge and wold definitely involve C/C++ code to do the processing.  I don't know if I'd try to tackle such a thing, but maybe you're more ambitious.

If you're installing your package directly on a MessagePad, you might want to check out NewtonInsepctor: https://github.com/jake-b/NewtonInspector  It emulates the Inspector that's built into NTK, lets you do some rudimentary debugging of NewtonScript.  It does its best to emulate the NTK inspector, but a serial connection direct to the NTK built in inspector is still the best. This isn't possible with an emulator, so unless you're running  Classic MacOS on real hardware with a serial port connection to the Newton, you're stuck with less than perfect options.

For your Logbook app, which doesn't need serial I/O  you could probably setup Einstein and run your app emulated on your desktop. (serial hardware is not emulated in Einstein) It saves a little time, but debugging is a little harder since you can't connect the inspector directly to Einstein. You can use Minspector: http://www.fivespeedsoftware.com/minspector/ to do rudimentary debugging.

Also you'll want to check out ViewFrame (http://www.unna.org/view.php?/development/tools) for navigating and poking round the objects in NewtonScript.

Good luck.

On 12/25/15, 10:30 PM, "newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net on behalf of Elias Basse" <newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net on behalf of kd5jfe at gmail.com> wrote:

>Hello all,
>I hope the holidays have been good to you all so far.
>I am looking to start development of software for the MP2100.  Can anyone direct me to a good resource for a development library/environment that will work under os x (or 9) that can be used to build software for the MP2100?
>I have a few projects that I am investigating how feasible software would be for them to run on the newton platform:
>* Amateur Radio Control via Serial from a Newton 2100 (Similar to Pocket TX/RX on android platform).
>* Amateur Radio Logbook program
>* Voice over IP/SIP client?  (This is way out in left field but would be cool)
>* Software to control a serial GPRS Cellular Modem (Sparkfun Module from an arduino kit that I have laying around).
>Any help would be appreciated for direction to the dev software/libraries.
>Many Many Thanks!
>Elias Basse

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