Sylvain Pilet pilets at mac.com
Thu Jul 16 02:07:18 EDT 2015

Hello everyone,

To help Greg to configure its Newton (http://oasisnewt.ddns.net:8080) and whether the problem is with the configuration or my Tracker-NPDS.
Do the owners of Newton-NPDS active at the moment, can test my Tracker-NPDS, it works well locally but I can not test it out of my network.

TRACKER Adress: message-pad.no-ip.org
TRACKER port: 3680

Thank you for your help.

Sylvain Pilet

- A P P L E  N E W T O N -
- Apple Newton NPDS Server: http://www.message-pad.no-ip.org
- Apple Newton NPDS Tracker: http://www.message-pad.no-ip.org:3680

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