[NTLK] NewtonTalk Digest, Vol 18, Issue 9

Jake Bordens jake at allaboutjake.com
Tue Jun 9 20:06:56 EDT 2015

You can find the engineering drawings here: 

I have two of them somewhere in my archives.  Currently lost, but they'll probably turn up again someday.

I think its going to be hard to modify an existing connector.  You might be able to make a PCB of the right thickness and wedge it in such that it makes contact with the connector, but  I think there's high risk of screwing something up, and putting too much stress on the connector.

I think Matthias has an interesting idea.  I had an old 30-pin iPod dock connector that had removable spring contacts.  See this picture:


Someone could in theory engineer a housing that takes the contacts from a connector like this.  It would need to be printed on a very high resolution 3D printer.  Doable, but someone would have to care enough to do it right.  Odds are it would take a few iterations before you had a good connector.

On 6/9/15, 7:41 PM, "Michael Sheflin" <sheflinm at gmail.com> wrote:

>Well my first thought was maybe Mouser (or whoever) has something close
>enough that it could be bent or modified.  There's an article noting that
>it was made by JAE and is 26-pins.  I measured mine and it's about 15mm
>[about 0.58mm pitch] from pin-to-pin and 17mm at the longest (though it
>tapers at the bottom).  Mouser has a bunch of things that are likely
>modifiable.  Most of the really close ones are over $10 a piece, which is a
>bit much for experimenting.  But I may get a couple of the cheaper options
>and try my luck and then - over a long period of time - work my way through
>the others.
>> Yes, they are purely passive. The problem is that the plugs are no longer
>> available and will not be made, even in larger numbers. I did manage to
>> have 350 *internal* connectors made (minimum order :-/ ), but the external
>> connector is no longer available (maybe they junked the dies).
>> Maybe with a resin based 3D printer it would be possible to adapt some
>> standard copper contacts into a new connector? This could even integrate
>> the Sub-D nicely.
>> ------------------------------

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