[NTLK] Internal WiFi Project

Jake Bordens jake at allaboutjake.com
Sun Apr 17 08:20:14 EDT 2016

On 4/17/16, 5:09 AM, "newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net on behalf of Matthias Melcher" <newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net on behalf of mm at matthiasm.com> wrote:

>However, it is possible that the custom logic chips have some functionality that solves this. For example, when the gpSelect goes low for a few cycles, maybe pulling any of the serial port control lines low or high at the same time tells the hardware, that there is an internal interface, and the hardware keeps gpSel active.
>I was able to reproduce this exactly /once/, but never again.

I've seen this pulse and agree that it sure looks like an interrogation of some sort, but I was never able to get it to do anything.

The only way I was able to get these pins to do anything is to modify the power registry, as mentioned earlier.

I believe the serPortSel pin is connected to the enable pin of the on board LTC1323.  It is really used for more than just port select, it is used to disable the LTC1323 (for power saving)?  If I recall, the default state of the Ser0 channel is set to "internal modem board" as a means of disabling the driver on the main board.  When you open the port in software, the OS consults the power registry, and determines that the onboard driver is needed and powers it up.

If I recall, this does not occur on Ser3, because there isn't an onboard driver, and hence no reason to keep it disabled.

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