[NTLK] Dash Board Software

"Piotrowski Paweł (Newton)" newton at indigi.co.uk
Thu Feb 16 12:19:27 EST 2017

> On 16 Feb 2017, at 14:26, Morgan Aldridge <morgant at makkintosshu.com> wrote:
> I haven't tested yet, but if those are the correct files we should probably
> get them uploaded to UNNA.org.

App working, but after click on Newton menu, there is some error window. Menu won’t show up. I think this is because part of code missing (Mark mention about it in README).

So, if you don’t need to use Newton menu and preferences, it is OK, but if you need it… crap…

I’ve sent message to Mark and asked him how to fix it. We will see.

Best regards,
Pawel Piotrowski

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