[NTLK] Love Notes: Restarting Newton development?!

Matthias Melcher mm at matthiasm.com
Thu Jul 26 17:07:46 EDT 2018

Well, since it was mentioned in the movie, here are my offers:

 * World Wide Newton Conference '18/'19

I have the space to have a conference, meaning, it would be free. Well, except it's in Germany, Dusseldorf, so getting here is obviously not free. I can offer a conference room for an extended weekend with video projection, chairs, audio, etc., and on top of that I will invite everyone who comes to Germany for lunch and dinner on the premise on the main conference day. I'll even throw in a Brandy museum tour. And I will try to persuade the cook to have a go at Poutine.

Would anyone be interested?

 * Restarting Newton development

Now that BasiliskII and Einstein are best friends, developing new apps is actually no longer a nightmare. Is there any interest in learning Newton Script (making or watching Video tutorials)?

Also, is there a new interested in creating a new NewtonOS? A lot of code already exists which is free of copyright. Creating a new OS from scratch is possible, albeit painful and work intensive.

- Matthias, crazy as usual

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