[NTLK] (no subject)
Martin Ossio
martinossio at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 11 12:00:48 EDT 2019
Dear Mark,
> And Notability has the Newtonesque feature that if you draw a shape carefully, it straightens it out!
Before knowing I could go back to use a Newton (after I lost mine), I used GoodNotes in my iPad. It recognizes shapes without any need of drawing things carefully. It might be feature-loaded, but it lacks the nice interface of Notability
Still I prefer the ways my Newton does things better!
The print to PDF for Newton (which I am currently exploring via an LPR solutions), is not just for the Notes, but for all other interesting Newton printing, like the Hours Worked report.
> Also, that sort of feature is useless today in the MS Outlook-driven world where you invite attendees to a meeting instead, so they get an email.
I hope to sync the invitation that has an invitee like MoreInfo out of the Newton Calendar at some point.
> You can’t have an OS with that feature and expect a device to be used in the medical profession and be HIPPA compliant.
I believe in a future that maybe Newton co-exist with other functionalities provided by other host OS, for dealing with other compliances, until hopefully open sourced Newton OS 3.0 eventually is made, after there is enough new interest in Newton OS we have now, of course!
I don’t have much resources to do more now, but I hope to have more resources in the near future to push initiatives.
Maybe a Hackathon or some competition of some sort could be the first thing in order?
Some Future paths are just worth helping :)
Long / Forever live the Newton!
> On Apr 10, 2019, at 9:16 PM, Mark Rollins <Mark at MRollins.com> wrote:
> As a Newton fan since “day 2” I am still amazed how good the little green guy did. I boot up it every now and then, sometimes to show people the ancestor of their iPhone.
> That said, there’s a whole lot of great devices with color screens and pressure-sensitive styli and cellular data connections that won’t drain the battery.
> Also a couple recent comments are flat out wrong.
> Want to mix text and scribbles in color and email a PDF of it? Try Notability (one of dozens) for iOS. Yes the native “notes” app won’t let you “mix” these, but you can have text, a small spreadsheet on the same note, and the note will sync among devices.
> And Notability has the Newtonesque feature that if you draw a shape carefully, it straightens it out!
> The sharing of data on NewtOS was only possible if the “soup” storing it allowed access, and the package was set up to read said soup, it didn’t just happen from package to package to package.
> You can’t have an OS with that feature and expect a device to be used in the medical profession and be HIPPA compliant.
> Also, that sort of feature is useless today in the MS Outlook-driven world where you invite attendees to a meeting instead, so they get an email.
> But in this case, before the meeting, since the iPhone has GPS and gets traffic alerts behind the scenes it will tell you when to leave to get there in time.
> Mark Rollins
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 10, 2019, at 9:18 PM, newtontalk-request at newtontalk.net <mailto:newtontalk-request at newtontalk.net> wrote:
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>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. (no subject) (Mark Kuberski)
>> 2. Re: (no subject) (DB)
>> 3. Love Notes to Newton (Noah Leon)
>> 4. Re: Love Notes to Newton (Martin Ossio)
>> 5. Re: Love Notes to Newton (Sylvain Pilet)
>> 6. Re: Love Notes to Newton (Florian Voigt)
>> 7. Jump to the latest notes (Mark Kuberski)
>> 8. Re: Jump to the latest notes (Sylvain Pilet)
>> 9. Re: NetTime for 711000 (Sylvain Pilet)
>> 10. Re: Love Notes to Newton (Martin Ossio)
>> 11. Re: Love Notes to Newton (Noah Leon)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 10:38:55 -0600
>> From: Mark Kuberski <berskyboy at gmail.com <mailto:berskyboy at gmail.com>>
>> To: newtontalk at newtontalk.net <mailto:newtontalk at newtontalk.net>
>> Subject: [NTLK] (no subject)
>> Message-ID:
>> <CADZyxYVHqFC4AJYyg6_SfxGAtN1n-8HcZW9XXji3QiApY47O3g at mail.gmail.com <mailto:CADZyxYVHqFC4AJYyg6_SfxGAtN1n-8HcZW9XXji3QiApY47O3g at mail.gmail.com>>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>> Hi Grant, Martin,
>> RIGHT ON! You hit the nail on the head,
>> "One nice thing that one can do with a Newton, is making complex documents,
>> that mix text and drawings in the same page"
>> This something that the iPad cannot do yet. Hence the reason, I bought
>> another Newton from this group and am using it daily for my work notes.
>> Also LINKING is absolutely incredible, nothing like that exists on our
>> current tech products.
>> Love live the Newton!
>> Mark
>> Message: 4
>> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 21:18:39 +0000 (UTC)
>> From: Martin Ossio <martinossio at yahoo.com>
>> To: "newtontalk at newtontalk.net" <newtontalk at newtontalk.net>, Grant
>> Hutchinson <newtontalkmessages at gmail.com>, NewtonTalk List
>> <newtontalk at newtontalk.net>
>> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Printing to PDF?
>> Message-ID: <176315712.786830.1554844719949 at mail.yahoo.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> Hey Grant!
>> Thanks for your tip!
>> I have checked and it needs to send to send text via email, but
>> unfortunately I cannot send emails yet from my Newton.
>> I am trying Simple Mail with a Marisa provided email account, but it cannot
>> send emails yet.
>> One nice thing that one can do with a Newton, is making complex documents,
>> that mix text and drawings in the same page. And other very interesting
>> reports.
>> It would be great to make PDFs out of them!
>> Its complex print layouts really sets aside the Newton from other current
>> mobile offerings! It way more futuristic and PC / Mac like!
>> You can see a preview of the printing with the preview button before
>> printing.
>> It really great!
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 14:46:51 -0400
>> From: DB <DB at dbdigitalweb.com <mailto:DB at dbdigitalweb.com>>
>> To: newtontalk at newtontalk.net <mailto:newtontalk at newtontalk.net>
>> Subject: Re: [NTLK] (no subject)
>> Message-ID: <5CAE3A1B.9090601 at dbdigitalweb.com <mailto:5CAE3A1B.9090601 at dbdigitalweb.com>>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Sadly, newer devices will never have that linking functionality due to the security issues it opens up. The Newton was long before all the "bad actors" that we have nowadays in the computing world. The Newton would share data between all packages/apps. Which gave it such power. You could link two items from two totally different packages and it worked. Or if you asked it to schedule a meeting at a certain time (using your preferred PIM) with a certain person it would pull all the data and link it in the reminder.
>> Now though, everyone uses a different data storage method and most programs can't talk with one another directly without your express consent. Even then it is usually limited, if they can at all again because of the different storage methods. There is "sharing" but it is much more limited with regard to what the Newton could do, and it isn't the kind of links we are talking about either.
>> -Dan
>>> On 4/10/2019 12:38 PM, Mark Kuberski wrote:
>>> Hi Grant, Martin,
>>> RIGHT ON! You hit the nail on the head,
>>> "One nice thing that one can do with a Newton, is making complex documents,
>>> that mix text and drawings in the same page"
>>> This something that the iPad cannot do yet. Hence the reason, I bought
>>> another Newton from this group and am using it daily for my work notes.
>>> Also LINKING is absolutely incredible, nothing like that exists on our
>>> current tech products.
>>> Love live the Newton!
>>> Mark
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 14:53:38 -0400
>> From: Noah Leon <noah at moosefuel.media <mailto:noah at moosefuel.media>>
>> To: newtontalk at newtontalk.net <mailto:newtontalk at newtontalk.net>
>> Subject: [NTLK] Love Notes to Newton
>> Message-ID:
>> <CAB_+avPrJSRiyX-Pd_S49f0uqtVaaO0ycr2oL0=O26wQcDZPcA at mail.gmail.com <mailto:CAB_+avPrJSRiyX-Pd_S49f0uqtVaaO0ycr2oL0=O26wQcDZPcA at mail.gmail.com>>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>> Thanks Sylvain for the kind thoughts.
>> If anyone knows anyone in California who would like to go to the screening,
>> there are still tickets left!
>> https://www.computerhistory.org/events/upcoming/#love-notes-newton-screening <https://www.computerhistory.org/events/upcoming/#love-notes-newton-screening>
>> I've been so busy with work I haven't promoted it as much as I should have,
>> so any help if you know anyone on the original Newton team or people who
>> would enjoy it, please let them know!
>> noah
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 4
>> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 20:27:51 +0000 (UTC)
>> From: Martin Ossio <martinossio at yahoo.com <mailto:martinossio at yahoo.com>>
>> To: newtontalk at newtontalk.net <mailto:newtontalk at newtontalk.net>
>> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Love Notes to Newton
>> Message-ID: <990432072.1481375.1554928071040 at mail.yahoo.com <mailto:990432072.1481375.1554928071040 at mail.yahoo.com>>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> Hi Noah!
>> Has Steve Wozniak been invited? He tends to like all good futuristic things :)
>> If not, please let me know to send him a link.
>> Thanks!
>> Martin ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> http://kingcode.io/ <http://kingcode.io/>
>> On Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 1:54:56 PM GMT-5, Noah Leon <noah at moosefuel.media <mailto:noah at moosefuel.media>> wrote:
>> Thanks Sylvain for the kind thoughts.
>> If anyone knows anyone in California who would like to go to the screening,
>> there are still tickets left!
>> https://www.computerhistory.org/events/upcoming/#love-notes-newton-screening <https://www.computerhistory.org/events/upcoming/#love-notes-newton-screening>
>> I've been so busy with work I haven't promoted it as much as I should have,
>> so any help if you know anyone on the original Newton team or people who
>> would enjoy it, please let them know!
>> noah
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> http://newtontalk.net/ <http://newtontalk.net/>
>> http://twitter.com/newtontalk <http://twitter.com/newtontalk>
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 5
>> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 22:34:43 +0200
>> From: Sylvain Pilet <sylvain at pilet.net <mailto:sylvain at pilet.net>>
>> To: Newton Liste Newton Talk US <newtontalk at newtontalk.net <mailto:newtontalk at newtontalk.net>>
>> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Love Notes to Newton
>> Message-ID: <537A26E4-DD6C-41C9-9581-8926F470D06A at pilet.net <mailto:537A26E4-DD6C-41C9-9581-8926F470D06A at pilet.net>>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> Wow, it would be great if Steve Wozniak came to see your movie Naoh! You could even do an interview and add it to the documentary!
>> Thank you Martin, if you can convince Steve, it would be an honor for Noah I think! :-)
>> Sylvain Pilet
>> <http://message-pad.net <http://message-pad.net/> <http://message-pad.net/ <http://message-pad.net/>>>
>> <http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680 <http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680/> <http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680/ <http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680/>>> [NPDS Tracker]
>>> Le 10 avr. 2019 ? 22:27, Martin Ossio <martinossio at yahoo.com <mailto:martinossio at yahoo.com>> a ?crit :
>>> Hi Noah!
>>> Has Steve Wozniak been invited? He tends to like all good futuristic things :)
>>> If not, please let me know to send him a link.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Martin ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> http://kingcode.io/ <http://kingcode.io/>
>>> On Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 1:54:56 PM GMT-5, Noah Leon <noah at moosefuel.media <mailto:noah at moosefuel.media>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Sylvain for the kind thoughts.
>>> If anyone knows anyone in California who would like to go to the screening,
>>> there are still tickets left!
>>> https://www.computerhistory.org/events/upcoming/#love-notes-newton-screening <https://www.computerhistory.org/events/upcoming/#love-notes-newton-screening>
>>> I've been so busy with work I haven't promoted it as much as I should have,
>>> so any help if you know anyone on the original Newton team or people who
>>> would enjoy it, please let them know!
>>> noah
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> http://newtontalk.net/ <http://newtontalk.net/>
>>> http://twitter.com/newtontalk <http://twitter.com/newtontalk>
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> http://newtontalk.net/ <http://newtontalk.net/>
>>> http://twitter.com/newtontalk <http://twitter.com/newtontalk>
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 22:41:05 +0200
>> From: Florian Voigt <florian.voigt at me.com <mailto:florian.voigt at me.com>>
>> To: newtontalk at newtontalk.net <mailto:newtontalk at newtontalk.net>
>> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Love Notes to Newton
>> Message-ID: <D95F8CC7-F48D-451D-B573-FEC5E7EB4015 at me.com <mailto:D95F8CC7-F48D-451D-B573-FEC5E7EB4015 at me.com>>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> Speaking of ?adding to the documentary?... Noah, is there a chance of us ever getting to see an extended cut? Ever since you mentioned that you had way more material I hope so...
>> Cheers,
>> Florian
>>> Am 10.04.2019 um 22:34 schrieb Sylvain Pilet <sylvain at pilet.net <mailto:sylvain at pilet.net>>:
>>> Wow, it would be great if Steve Wozniak came to see your movie Naoh! You could even do an interview and add it to the documentary!
>>> Thank you Martin, if you can convince Steve, it would be an honor for Noah I think! :-)
>>> Sylvain Pilet
>>> <http://message-pad.net <http://message-pad.net/> <http://message-pad.net/ <http://message-pad.net/>>>
>>> <http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680 <http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680/> <http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680/ <http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680/>>> [NPDS Tracker]
>>>> Le 10 avr. 2019 ? 22:27, Martin Ossio <martinossio at yahoo.com <mailto:martinossio at yahoo.com>> a ?crit :
>>>> Hi Noah!
>>>> Has Steve Wozniak been invited? He tends to like all good futuristic things :)
>>>> If not, please let me know to send him a link.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Martin ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> http://kingcode.io/ <http://kingcode.io/>
>>>> On Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 1:54:56 PM GMT-5, Noah Leon <noah at moosefuel.media <mailto:noah at moosefuel.media>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Sylvain for the kind thoughts.
>>>> If anyone knows anyone in California who would like to go to the screening,
>>>> there are still tickets left!
>>>> https://www.computerhistory.org/events/upcoming/#love-notes-newton-screening <https://www.computerhistory.org/events/upcoming/#love-notes-newton-screening>
>>>> I've been so busy with work I haven't promoted it as much as I should have,
>>>> so any help if you know anyone on the original Newton team or people who
>>>> would enjoy it, please let them know!
>>>> noah
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> http://newtontalk.net/ <http://newtontalk.net/>
>>>> http://twitter.com/newtontalk <http://twitter.com/newtontalk>
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> http://newtontalk.net/ <http://newtontalk.net/>
>>>> http://twitter.com/newtontalk <http://twitter.com/newtontalk>
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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