[NTLK] Reorder notes in a folder?

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Mon Dec 2 13:21:49 EST 2019

Hypernewt is free, it was released by the author a few years ago.  Silverware is still active but I never tried MoreFolders so I cannot advise on its features.

Personally I would go with Hypernewt, it is a great app.  It also lets you link ANYTHING to your notes along with a lot of other features.  You can grab it here along with a lot of other great packages for the newt: https://tow.com/projects/newton/


On 12/1/2019 8:45 PM, B wrote:
> Don’t know if you could get a registered version or if the feature will work without registering, but HyperNewt allows sorting by date or title. It also permits lots of directories (folders) to place items in.
> MoreFolders is another option.
> There may be others, but these are what I recall and was able to find now.
> Don’t know about registering these if needed beyond trial period(s).
> I think Silverware is still active.
> B

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