[NTLK] Frank's still here, although but barely

Morgan Aldridge morgant at makkintosshu.com
Sun May 19 09:47:29 EDT 2019

On Sat, May 18, 2019 at 19:13 NewtonTalk <newtontalk at pda-soft.de> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> thanks for inquiring about me. That's what friends do, and it felt really
> nice.

One of the things I love about this list is the genuine friendship among
members, aided not only by the concern for fellow members, but also the
comfort to post candid explanations. Frank, I hope writing about your
current situation has lifted a little of the burden as well, but—most of
all—thanks for taking the time to fill us in and let us know that you're
still out there doing good.


My To Do list is getting longer by the minute. All this is exhausting both
> physically and psychically. My own health leaves one or two things to be
> desired at the moment, regularly requiring a lot of my time to keep me
> operational. Most times when I turn my computer on, I only take care of one
> or two of the ten million queued-up issues that absolutely MUST be taken
> care of. After that, I hardly ever find enough energy to address anything
> that has the word Newton in it. There are days when I leave my car and go
> straight to bed.

That is all too understandable. I'm happy I'm not the first to say, try to
take some time to take care of yourself. I love Laurence's comment about
the oxygen mask, I've never really thought of that.

I sincerely apologize for leaving people who wanted to purchase Newton
> hardware or required other forms of Newton support out in the rain. I
> promise y'all that you're not forgotten. One of these days I will
> definitely
> get in touch again. But this might still take a bit...

I can't thank you enough for all you've done for the Newton community so
far, so—as much as I miss reading about your explorations & discoveries,
not to mention hearing about parts & Newtons going out around the
world—take your time. We'll still be hear when things have settled down for
you a bit.


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