[NTLK] Use a Raspberry Pi to connect the Newton to the Internet

Sylvain Pilet sylvain at pilet.net
Mon Apr 13 05:55:20 EDT 2020

Hi, Christoph,

I don't understand why it took 9 minutes to receive the 16 emails from the NewtonTalk list.

If I followed correctly, you use the Wifi connection from your home to connect your Rapsberry in Wifi, then you share access to the Internet via the Ethernet port (RJ45) between the Rapsberry and the Newton. If that's right, it should be much faster!

Sylvain Pilet

http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680 [NPDS Tracker]

> Le 13 avr. 2020 à 21:35, Newtonhonk <mail at newtonhonk.de> a écrit :
> I am currently playing around with a raspberry pi to pickup my wpa2 wifi and route it via ethernet to my eMate/2100.
> I also attached a powerbank to the pi, so I can sit in the garten and write mails.
> It is really the travel back in time. It took 9 minutes to recieve 16 mails from newtontalk. bit it works!
> The system is really in an early stage and far from beeing professional. I am only an electric amateur.
> There are some pictures on my homepage and a short tutorial on my homepage:
> https://newtonhonk.de/tools/raspberry/
> The future plans are to my use of the GPIO buttons, maybe setup an ftp server.
> I am also looking for already existing devices. there are similiars retro setups.
> Maybe there is some interest. I could setup a github. maybe one could also just use a raspberry pi zero and put it in an emate.
> This project is total nonsense. But I feels so great to open the emate, connect to the internet, get 1-2 coffee, read and write mails, connect to the internet and send, drink another 1-2 coffee and switch off the emate.
> Cheers Christoph
> (written on my eMate, newtonhonk.de)----------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://newtontalk.net/
> http://twitter.com/newtontalk

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