[NTLK] Starting up NewtonScript programming

Matthias Melcher m.melcher at robowerk.de
Fri Apr 24 09:58:43 EDT 2020

> On Apr 22, 2020, at 22:25, Steven Frank via NewtonTalk <newtontalk at newtontalk.net> wrote:
> I finally got a chance to try it and, wow, it really works!  :)
> https://stevenf.com/gfx/matthias-newton-dev.png <https://stevenf.com/gfx/matthias-newton-dev.png>

Nice! Thanks for the pic! ;-)

> I didn't have much trouble following the instructions but I did notice a couple of things on this page:
> http://www.elektriktrick.com/Newton_Install_MacOS.html <http://www.elektriktrick.com/Newton_Install_MacOS.html>
> 1. It talks about a "Drivers" section in Einstein where you have to set "External Serial Port Driver" to "Network Client".  It looks like maybe this went away in the new FLTK version, because there is no Drivers section, but the serial port "just worked" anyway.

Yes, I have not updated the Setting panel in the FLTK version, and the Serial Drivers setting will not show up anymore. I wrote an app that runs on NewtonOS that takes care of this. The advantage is, that this works on a fullscreen Android setup as well without having to use a separate setting panel.

> 2. Unless I'm mistaken, it overlooks that you also have to install the Toolkit App on the Einstein side to make the connection.

Yes, I forgot about that. I will add it today and update the Windows and Linux texts.

> Now I guess all I have to do is learn NewtonScript and have an idea for an application.  :D

Can't wait to see the results ;-)

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