[NTLK] zettelkasten
Laurence W Brown
lwb at mac.com
Mon Aug 3 02:45:32 EDT 2020
re a mention on the last call:
-L.W. Brown
via 8s+
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Roam Research <support at roamresearch.com>
> Date: August 2, 2020 at 21:52:06 PDT
> Subject: Level up in Roam with Zettelkasten and RoamStack
> Weekly Update: Zettelkasten, RoamStack, Office Hours, and more
> Hey Roamans, just a small update this week, as we're working on some big things we're excited to announce soon!
> News
> First up is a new article from Fast detailing the life-changing Zettelkasten note-taking system that helped inspire Roam. The wonderful Shu Omi has a quick video tutorial that showcases how you can implement this system in Roam.
> Next, we are happy to hear that the mind behind RoamBrain, Francis Miller, has teamed up with Ramses Oudt, for a new knowledge project, RoamStack. Trust these guys to teach you how to become an effective Roaman.
> Office Hours
> Our first two community office hours went really well last week as Roam users helped each other out, discussed trips and tricks, and talked about what they want from Roam moving forward.
> Office hours are again running this week on Tuesday and Thursday, which you can sign up for here.
> One more thing...
> Inspired by Andy Matsuchak and Michael Nielsen's new article, Timeful Texts, we are happy to announce that we are starting an official Roam Book Club with a public Roam graph that you can find here. To quote the authors:
> "To be transformed by a book, readers must do more than absorb information: they must bathe in the book’s ideas, relate those ideas to experiences in their lives over weeks and months, try on the book’s mental models like a new hat. "
> The first book we will be covering is our CEO Conor's pick, Steven Johnson's Where Good Ideas Come From. We'll be taking notes asynchronously and participation is open to all Roamans. Supplementing the notes, we will also have a weekly meeting at 16:30 EDT on Sundays starting next week. If you would like to join, please enter your Roam account email address here.
> Happy roaming!
> Sent to: lwbrown at mail.com
> Unsubscribe
> Roam Research Inc, 769 Foerster Street, San Francisco, California 94127, United States
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