[NTLK] Copy K-Diags
Vladislav Korotnev
vladkorotnev at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 19:07:46 EST 2020
Hi Frank,
For some reason I haven't heard of this software but it sounds like a
lovely addition to my collection.
However, I don't have any linear cards aside from the 20MB ones that
you sent me with the 2000U back in 2011 (it's been 9 years, wow!)
Would it be possible in some way to purchase a 1MB card with K-Diags
preloaded on it from you?
If it is, please drop me a line off-list. Thanks!
On 1/16/20, NewtonTalk <newtontalk at pda-soft.de> wrote:
>> Is there any method to transfer that content on 1MB Newton memory card?
> I doubt you'll get the bin file on a card, but thanks to Steve White I have
> a K-Diags card that works just fine. It allowed me to fix the annoying
> "This
> battery can't be charged" error that befalls some eMates.
> The easiest way of duplicating this card is simply plugging it in. The
> software has a button that allows you to copy it to another card. Provided
> you have one that's r/w in eMates.
> If you don't, you can also copy it on a 2x00, but that's a tad on the
> difficult side since the Newton's display control is different. On a 2x00,
> the screen isn't very legible - see Steve's image here:
> <https://www.flickr.com/photos/pablo_marx/8351773708/>
> Some time ago Steve told me how he copies this card on a Newton:
> 1) I cold-boot the card on an MP2000, wait for the loud beep and garbled
> screen
> (see above flickr link). I eject the K-Diags card, and insert the
> linear flash
> card I want the copy of K-Diags to go onto into the top PCMCIA slot.
> 2) I hold the MP upside down - so that the Apple logo is further away
> from me.
> I try to calibrate the stylus - touch one corner, touch the other
> corner.
> 3) This gets it into the main menu, which will still be garbled. If you
> touch and
> hold the stylus at the top center of the screen, and slowly move it
> down - as if
> you were trying to draw a line - the menu boxes will turn black when
> your stylus
> is "inside" them, and go back to white when your stylus is "outside"
> of it.
> Sometimes this requires a little horizontal movement as well - it all
> depends on
> the initial calibration.
> The goal of this is to get the last (bottom-most) menu box to turn black
> - that's
> the "IMAGE TO PCMCIA" menu box. When that goes black, lift the stylus,
> and it starts
> copying it onto a linear flash card in the top PCMCIA slot.
> Although this isn't for the faint at heart, yours truly managed to do this
> successfully two times in the past when I didn't have r/w eMate cards :-)
> Cheers
> Frank
> -- Newton software and hardware at http://www.pda-soft.de
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// Ak.R.
iOS/Mac/Windows & Web developer
Vaporwave/ambient producer, sound/video engineer
Genjitsu Gadget Lab Member 001
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