[NTLK] Starting up NewtonScript programming

Doug ispinn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 13:15:10 EDT 2020

To those on the list who may be on the fence, thinking about diving in
and setting up their own, NewtonScript programming environment...

BasiliskII is an open-source 68K Mac emulator. Once BasiliskII is
running (on Windows, or Linux, or on a modern day Mac) its 68K
emulator allows running of old programs written for 68K-era
chipsets--in this case, I want to run "Newton Toolkit for MacOS," or
NTK on Windows. The toolkit is the thing that lets me do the
NewtonScript programming. It took me two days of wandering to noodge
it along across its invisible finish line. BasiliskII is running.
Basilisk][? Whatever....

It's now running on my Windows 10 desktop.

Now, I'm trying to figure out how to get NTK over to it. I also have a
better understanding of all the old, repetitious, historic support
threads I remember reading between programmers about

"How do I get...,"
"How come it...," or
"Why can't I..."

when previous programmers were struggling with getting *theirs*
running on their systems.

Getting it going is a walk in the park, with... "squirrels!" It's got
a fairly clear, paved path, but the path is really wide and convoluted
with all sorts of unpublished dead ends and invisible speed bumps.

Historically, I respect any previous programmer-teacher-archivists
that have gone before me. Imagine the tedium of trying to actually get
all things stacked up neatly and organized and balanced and aligned,
AND flipping back and forth between editing web pages to try to tell
every future programmer what detailed instructions needed to be done
next, and doing their setup steps simultaneously. Gheesh!

That's what creates the park and its path.


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