[NTLK] Starting up NewtonScript programming
Matthias Melcher
m.melcher at robowerk.de
Fri Mar 20 16:36:53 EDT 2020
> On Mar 20, 2020, at 18:15, Doug <ispinn at gmail.com> wrote:
> To those on the list who may be on the fence, thinking about diving in
> and setting up their own, NewtonScript programming environment...
> BasiliskII is an open-source 68K Mac emulator. Once BasiliskII is
> running (on Windows, or Linux, or on a modern day Mac) its 68K
> emulator allows running of old programs written for 68K-era
> chipsets--in this case, I want to run "Newton Toolkit for MacOS," or
> NTK on Windows. The toolkit is the thing that lets me do the
> NewtonScript programming. It took me two days of wandering to noodge
> it along across its invisible finish line. BasiliskII is running.
> Basilisk][? Whatever....
> It's now running on my Windows 10 desktop.
> Now, I'm trying to figure out how to get NTK over to it. I also have a
> better understanding of all the old, repetitious, historic support
> threads I remember reading between programmers about
Thanks for explaining that. I had my head in this for so long that I just assume things without explaining.
On the Unna page http://www.unna.org/view.php?/development/NewtonDev there are two disk images, NewtDevel-HFSimage.zip and macos755-boot.zip . Download both and unzip them whereever you also put your Macintosh ROM (Google search for Performa.rom). Unzip both files and you get .img files. These are teh disk images. In the BasiliskII settings, link to both disk images. The first one contains many developer tools (NTK is in "/Newton Devel 1.1/NTK 1.6.4"). The second image contains the operating system.
I hope that helps.
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