[NTLK] Starting up NewtonScript programming

Matthias Melcher m.melcher at robowerk.de
Tue Mar 31 05:52:03 EDT 2020

A little update on NewtonScript developmen. I did not get to the MSWindows port yet, but I have updated BasiliskII for macOS and published the source code. 

This version runs fine on Catalina, fixes two annoying bugs, and has helped me to develop a new Newton app for the last four days in a perfectly stable way:

Just download here: http://elektriktrick.com/Downloads/Einstein/MacOS/BasiliskII.E.2.zip

Full instructions here: http://www.elektriktrick.com/Newton_Install_MacOS.html

- Matthias

PS: Welcome back, Frank, and thank you so much for loooking up what I needed right away!

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