[NTLK] FoFa (previously rebus) - 3rd followup
newtontalk at pda-soft.de
Sat May 16 20:39:34 EDT 2020
Since thankfully I've been told that a rebus isn't exactly what I thought it
was, I've just created a brand spanking new English word. Officially
contributing important linguistic terms to a language that's not my native
one might seem a tad on the conceited side, but, hey, I've recently been
chatting with Steve Wozniak, which has increased my self-confidence
I've just checked with dict.cc that this word hasn't existed before, so I
herewith officially claim all forms of copyright currently existing in our
and all our neighboring galaxies.
Before long you're going to find this term in most dictionaries worth
mentioning, but until then please be aware that "FoFa" (any phonetic
similarities to "Foo Bar" might not be totally unintentional) is now the
official abbreviation for "Figure out Franks article".
Now that we have clarified that, let's get back to work:
> an HDMI display adaptor
> A GSM adapter to make it a phone?
> A car navigation module?
> A floppy disk drive port?
> A core memory extension?
> A Doom on an FPGA emulator?
> A color TFT screen?
> A flux compensator?
Nope. But, man, you're imaginative! As to the flux compensator: For quite
some time now I've been working closely with Doc Brown on a
Newton-controlled version. However, although things look promising, it's
still not much more than a prototype because, as we probably all know, flux
compensators need original bipolar transistors made by Bell. No, not by
Simon Bell. We need those internally introduced by The Bell Laboratories
around Christmas 1947. These animals die like flies, and they're almost
impossible to come by these days. If you have some lying around in your junk
drawer, please drop me a line. Doc Brown would be highly pleased.
> 3D printable docking station/stand
> A MessagePad Wall Mount
Nope. But that's actually a pretty cool idea. If only I had a 3D printer...
> E-paper screen replacement?
> a replacement backlight or digitizer?
> flashlight
Nope. Adriano beat me to that a long time ago. But I at least wrote
NewtLight, the program that turns Adriano's hardware on and off. I'm still
immensely proud of my huge control button...
> A replacement serial bus adaptor for an MP2x/eMate
Nope. But I'm actually working on one. Well, sort of. This project, if I
recall correctly, was started in autumn 2018. Real-life requirements have
put it on hold for some time.
> A laser cutter
Nope. I wish it was. I could use one of those.
> a new 3D printed case for our Newtons
> an elephant
Nope. But, wow, the scope of your imagination is impressive, given the
content of the two images I published so far.
> a portion of a warning label or danger-notice
> a rectangular hole in drywall (wallboard)
> a hardware-based firewall
> a power supply/backup
Nope. As to the scope of your imagination: See above.
OK, here's image number three:
And here are the images you already know, just for convenience's sake.
Good luck
-- Newton software and hardware at http://www.pda-soft.de
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