May 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 1 09:27:03 EDT 2020
Ending: Sun May 31 19:16:12 EDT 2020
Messages: 219
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference
Morgan Aldridge
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference
Morgan Aldridge
- [NTLK] 2001 Backlight on last legs.
Fundamental Learning Australia
- [NTLK] 2001 Backlight on last legs
Fundamental Learning Australia
- [NTLK] 2001 Backlight on last legs
Fundamental Learning Australia
- [NTLK] FoFa (previously rebus) - 3rd followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 4th followup
- [NTLK] better Re: FoFa - 4th followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 6th followup
- [NTLK] "Old" Newbie to the Newton
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
Elias Basse
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Elias Basse
- [NTLK] NCU on Windows 7 and 10
Elias Basse
- [NTLK] OT: "WORK!"
Gene Beaird
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
Iain Billington
- [NTLK] New User
L.W. Brown
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
Laurence W Brown
- [NTLK] rebus - and with a real prize...
Laurence W Brown
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Laurence W Brown
- [NTLK] Typing the ‘pipe’ character on a Newton
Laurence W Brown
- [NTLK] Question about Color and Model # MessagePad 2000
Jim C.
- [NTLK] "Old" Newbie to the Newton
Jim C.
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Andrei Chichak
- [NTLK] FoFa - 6th followup
Andrei Chichak
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
- [NTLK] FollowUP
- [NTLK] FollowUP
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
- [NTLK] Matthias' Einstein alpha for Android on an LG Stylo 5 Plus update
- [NTLK] Green is the best, here's why
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
- [NTLK] ...could have been a Newton
- [NTLK] FoFa - 6th followup, and please trim before you post
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Tony Douglas
- [NTLK] FollowUP
Maury Estabrooks
- [NTLK] Name suggestion
Maury Estabrooks
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Klaus Finke
- [NTLK] 2001 Backlight on last legs.
- [NTLK] 2001 Backlight on last legs
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
- [NTLK] Newton Mail | SMTP NewtonCity: Error 500
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 to a PC
- [NTLK] FoFa - 6th followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 6th followup
- [NTLK] Starting up NewtonScript programming
Steven Frank
- [NTLK] Starting up NewtonScript programming
Steven Frank
- [NTLK] 2001 Backlight on last legs
Steven Frank
- [NTLK] FollowUP
Peter Fraser
- [NTLK] 2001 Backlight on last legs
Nils Froese
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference
John Gardner
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Marisa Giancarla
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
Jon Glass
- [NTLK] New User
Eric Granata
- [NTLK] eMate is Here!
Eric Granata
- [NTLK] eMate is Here!
Eric Granata
- [NTLK] "WORK!" [WAS: Re: Fwd: NewtonTalk Digest, Vol 77, Issue 9]
Lord Groundhog
- [NTLK] Starting up NewtonScript programming
Aaron H
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Aaron H
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Kenroy Harrison
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Kenroy Harrison
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
Kenroy Harrison
- [NTLK] FoFa (previously rebus) - 3rd followup
Kenroy Harrison
- [NTLK] FoFa - 4th followup
Kenroy Harrison
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
Sonny Hung
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
Sonny Hung
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Sonny Hung
- [NTLK] Conference Links
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] FollowUP
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] Green is the best, here's why
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference 2020
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] Nintendo games on Newton !
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] Searching for James Fraser
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] Typing the ‘pipe’ character on a Newton
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] Typing the ‘pipe’ character on a Newton
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] Newton 2000 and External Keyboard
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] Newton 2000 and External Keyboard
Grant Hutchinson
- [NTLK] FoFa - 6th followup
Bernard Kobier
- [NTLK] uGreen serial adapter - connecting to MessagePad 2x00
Bernard Kobier
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
Vladislav Korotnev
- [NTLK] Newton Mail | SMTP NewtonCity: Error 500
Vladislav Korotnev
- [NTLK] Gratitude for WONC 2020
Mark Kuberski
- [NTLK] Fwd: NewtonTalk Digest, Vol 77, Issue 9
Mark Kuberski
- [NTLK] HyperCard PoorMan's NEWTON Prototype Recreated
Mark Kuberski
- [NTLK] FoFa - 4th followup
Ed Kummel
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference
- [NTLK] NewtonTalk Digest, Vol 77, Issue 9
- [NTLK] Conference Links
Noah Leon
- [NTLK] Newton Mail | SMTP NewtonCity: Error 500
Noah Leon
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Nic Malone
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Nic Malone
- [NTLK] Typing the ‘pipe’ character on a Newton
Nic Malone
- [NTLK] Typing the ‘pipe’ character on a Newton
Nic Malone
- [NTLK] Newton Mail | SMTP NewtonCity: Error 500
Nic Malone
- [NTLK] Starting up NewtonScript programming
Matthias Melcher
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Matthias Melcher
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 to a PC
Matthias Melcher
- [NTLK] Rebus?
Donna Momorella
- [NTLK] NCU on Windows 7 and 10
Donna Momorella
- [NTLK] Typing the ‘pipe’ character on a Newton
Donna Momorella
- [NTLK] 2001 Backlight on last legs
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
- [NTLK] Rebus - 1st followup
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
- [NTLK] rebus - and with a real prize...
- [NTLK] FoFa (previously rebus) - 3rd followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 4th followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
- [NTLK] NCU on Windows 7 and 10
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 6th followup
- [NTLK] Pinging Walt Berger
- [NTLK] Rebus?
Paul Nuernberger
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Herman Paassen
- [NTLK] Typing the ‘pipe’ character on a Newton
Daniel Padilla
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
Michael Pick
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
Michael Pick
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] eMate 300 / Ribbon Cable
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] FoFa (previously rebus) - 3rd followup
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] New User
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] FoFa - 4th followup
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] Newton Mail | SMTP NewtonCity: Error 500
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] Newton Mail | SMTP NewtonCity: Error 500
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] NCX for PowerPC Macs
Sylvain Pilet
- [NTLK] Test wnc meeting room
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Conference Links
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] FollowUP
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Gratitude for WONC 2020
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference 2020
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Rebus?
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] HyperCard PoorMan's NEWTON Prototype Recreated
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Global Newton Users Meetups #1 - 30 May 2020
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] FoFa - 4th followup
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Newton Mail | SMTP NewtonCity: Error 500
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] eMate is Here!
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Question about Color and Model # MessagePad 2000
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] Global Newton Users Meetups #1 - 30 May 2020
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] "Old" Newbie to the Newton
Pawel Piotrowski
- [NTLK] NewtonTalk Digest, Vol 77, Issue 4
Tom Piper
- [NTLK] NewtonTalk Digest, Vol 77, Issue 9
Tom Piper
- [NTLK] Gratitude for WONC 2020
Victor Rehorst
- [NTLK] FoFa - 6th followup
Victor Rehorst
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 to a PC
Aaron Rogers
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Barry Rosenfeld
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Barry Rosenfeld
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Barry Rosenfeld
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
Barry Rosenfeld
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 to a PC
Barry Rosenfeld
- [NTLK] Newton 2000 and External Keyboard
Nate Rudd
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference
M.D. S
- [NTLK] NewtonTalk Digest, Vol 77, Issue 9
M.D. S
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference
- [NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference 2020
Christoph Schröder
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 to a PC
Christoph Schröder
- [NTLK] Donations for Worldwide Newton Conference
Jeff Sheldon
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
Jeff Sheldon
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
Jeff Sheldon
- [NTLK] FoFa - 6th followup
Jeff Sheldon
- [NTLK] 2001 Backlight on last legs
Ronnie Simon
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
Ronnie Simon
- [NTLK] Newton Mail | SMTP NewtonCity: Error 500
Ronnie Simon
- [NTLK] Nintendo games on Newton !
- [NTLK] Donations for Worldwide Newton Conference
Don Stewart
- [NTLK] Test wnc meeting room
Dennis Swaney
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
Dennis Swaney
- [NTLK] Fwd: NewtonTalk Digest, Vol 77, Issue 9
Dennis Swaney
- [NTLK] rebus - and with a real prize...
Dennis Swaney
- [NTLK] Typing the ‘pipe’ character on a Newton
Dennis Swaney
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
- [NTLK] Monthly event online for Newton Users
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
- [NTLK] New rebus - and with a real prize...
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
- [NTLK] rebus - and with a real prize...
- [NTLK] FoFa (previously rebus) - 3rd followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 4th followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 5th followup
- [NTLK] FoFa - 6th followup
- [NTLK] Rebus - 2nd followup
Fritz Toch
- [NTLK] eMate is Here!
Fritz Toch
- [NTLK] FoFa - 4th followup
Anthony Velasco
- [NTLK] Test wnc meeting room
- [NTLK] Test wnc meeting room
- [NTLK] Test wnc meeting room
- [NTLK] New User
- [NTLK] Test wnc meeting room
- [NTLK] Starting up NewtonScript programming
- [NTLK] 2001 Backlight on last legs
- [NTLK] Green is the best, here's why
- [NTLK] Transferring notes from MP2x00 and MacOS Mojave
nicmalone at
- [NTLK] Typing the =?utf-8?Q?=E2=80=98pipe=E2=80=99_?=character on a Newton
nicmalone at
- [NTLK] Error 500
nicmalone at
- [NTLK] Newton Mail | SMTP NewtonCity: Error 500
nicmalone at
- [NTLK] Newton Mail | SMTP NewtonCity: Error 500
nicmalone at
- [NTLK] uGreen serial adapter - connecting to MessagePad 2x00
nicmalone at
- [NTLK] NCX for PowerPC Macs
nicmalone at
Last message date:
Sun May 31 19:16:12 EDT 2020
Archived on: Fri Dec 25 14:28:06 EST 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).