Re: NTLK Password programs

From: Donna Dolezal Zelzer (
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 12:30:00 EST

At 12:32 AM -0600 1/18/2000, Bill Davis spoke thusly:
> >Any ideas? What are YOU using to manage your passwords?
>I'm just using the notepad. I tried out geeksafe, but it doesn't have any
>way to export.....and I have so dang many that not being able to export
>to save 'em as text on my mac in case my Newt dies is not acceptable.

You could use the address book, which would let you organize them by
name. Or, if you have some kind of database program (like Notion or
Newtdb) you could use that.

(I have to confess that I still have all of mine on paper. It's been
on my todo for over two years, but I just haven't taken time to enter
them all in my Newt!)


Donna Dolezal Zelzer
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