NTLK 56k / Ethernet card for eMate?

From: CM Stimpson (macheel@dialfree.net)
Date: Thu Aug 31 2000 - 18:15:23 CDT

Hi, Gang.

Anyone know of a cost-effective, 56k / Ethernet card solution for the Newton
that WORKS WELL? (Specifically the eMate?)

If not, then 1) In your opinion, what's the best 10 and/or 100 Base-T
Ethernet card for the eMate / Newton? (Please take both value and
efficiency into consideration.)

And, when using Ethernet with your eMates / Newtons, do you find that web
pages in NetHopper 2.0 jump quickly onto the screen, just like on standard
desktop Macs / PC's? Or is using the web on an eMate / Newton such a memory
hog that getting an Ethernet card isn't even worth the trouble?

(Basically, what I'm asking here, is -- with email also -- how significant
is the speed increase from 36.6 to 56k or 10 Base-T on an eMate?)

and 2) What's the best 56k (or is there a 56k?) card solution for the
eMate? (Take into acct the same considerations as above, please.)



The box said "Windows 95 or better" so I bought a Macintosh.

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