Re: [NTLK] PPPoE [was: Wavelan]

From: Ivan Shaw (
Date: Wed Sep 26 2001 - 08:23:45 EDT

On Tue, Sep 25 2001 Gerstein, Sam wrote:
>PPP is Point to Point Protocol... what's your argument against PPPoE? It
>seems to me to be a reasonable way of adding a level of authentication on an
>unsecure physical network

PPPoE is a reasonable way for service providers to oversubscribe their networks. Its implementation in Canada came about after Bell lost a CRTC ruling forcing it to open up its DSL infrastructure to resellers.

There is no implied security; authentication is for access to the ISP, much like PPP over dial-up. You still have the idle masses going after the connected machine except that you're required to run an additional (unnecessary) software layer.

Ivan T. Shaw, PhD
Why are you still buying Vitamin D?

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