>i repeat, stop posting about me on the list. If you have a gripe with me
>contact me first and see what i have to say.
I repeat, as soon as you stop posting incorrect info. in your Newton =
auctions, I will stop posting about your auctions. The NTLK list is 'free =
to post', as long as the auctions are listed, any person can post their =
opinion(s) about the auction. Since you bypassing the issue of accurate =
listings, I will react as you have.
>Again the CD i sell is not Unna based in any way.
The software on the cd's you're selling are NOT your software, they came =
from somewhere, Victor put some info. in the .pkgs stating current =
listing/source, I'll ask buyers on ebay if that info. is there.
>Why would i link to
>newtontalk after all the debate about the same thing with GEM?
Again, you misunderstand the thread. GEM asked for 'endorsement', I asked =
for a 'link for more info.', there's a 'legal' difference. 'Fraud' is =
based on any and all misrepresentation of advertisement, 'criminal fraud' =
is knowingly misrepresenting and failure to correct inaccuracies in =
advertisement. Will you continue to list inaccuracies?
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group...over $J's Live body.
-- Read the List FAQ/Etiquette: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html Read the Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ This is the NewtonTalk mailing list - http://www.newtontalk.net/
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